Thursday, December 13, 2012

1. What sportscaster was criticized for the statements he made on air during halftime of an NFL game Sunday?Bob Costas

Extra Credit: What was the topic that upset viewers?

Gun control

2. What Royal couple announced they are expecting?
Prince William and Kate are expecting their first child.

3 - 4. Name two leaders who were in the news this week in conjunction with Twitter. (HINTS: One held a town hall meeting about the fiscal cliff and the economy, and the other will be tweeting about issues of faithand, for now, is following no one.)

5. What is the eight-day religious celebration beginning Dec. 8 that includes lighting a candle each day?

6. What did both President Obama and Secretary of State Clinton warn the Syrian president not to use?

Chemical Weapons

7. The fiscal cliff continues to dominate the news with speakers for both sides on all the weekend news talk shows. One such person was Timothy Geithner. What is his role in the government?
Treasury Secretary

8. One big point of disagreement between the Democrats and Republicans is whether to increase taxes on what segment of the population?
Upper class